Golf instruction for beginners

Golf instruction for beginners

Want to Learn Golf? Here's How to Get Started with Golf Quickly and Easily,Golf instruction for beginners,
in just 5 Days or Less.

Don't let you Friends / Boss / Clients laugh at you on the Golf Course!

Read on and do yourself some Good:

Learn the best and fastest Way to get started in Golf, including all necessary Theory and Practice...
Golf Beginner Guide
Learn all the important Rules of Golf so no one can take advantage of you, and you look knowledgeable on the golf course...
Learn how to avoid the most common Mistakesalmost every Golf Beginner makes... and impress your Golf Partners right from the Start...
Golf instruction for beginners

Golf instruction for beginners.What if you could learn the basics of golf in just 5 days or less, and continue from there to become a well rounded golfer that your friends / boss / clients love to play with for less than one lesson from a recognized golf teacher... what would you say?
Saturday, August 11, 2012
From: Frank J. Peter

Dear Fellow Golfer,

The information in this downloadable step-by-step 'Golf Beginner Guide' is an absolute "must have" for a golf beginner, and it will also benefit any intermediate golfers. For the benefit of your goal this information is presented in a way that's easy to understand, easy to use, and even easier to put into action right away. 

Just follow the process laid out in this ebook and immediately you'll be well on your way of becoming the golfer that everybody loves to play with!

Do You want to learn Golf
quickly and efficiently?
Golf instruction for beginners.Together with my staff and several qualified golf teaching professionalswe have put together the most comprehensive Golfing Guide available for Beginner Golfers. This learning guide will help Beginner Golfers play their best Golf - with no fluff or hype but all the needed facts and knowledge - for less than a lesson from a reputable golf teacher, and in just 5 days or less.
Our instructors have compiled everything you need to improve your game and learn the right way from the beginning. 272 pages of great information have been assembled to teach you golf from the ground up. Click this link to take a look at the Table of contents and see for yourself.
Golf Beginner Guide

"Golf is such a complicated Game, I'm worried about all the stuff I need to know" 

You've probably seen this, there are a million products out there promising to make you a better golfer. Reality is, you can buy all the special clubs and fancy balls you can afford (or even ones that you can't) and still never actually improve as a golfer. The focus of the 'Golf Beginner Guide' is making you a better golfer by teaching you about all the important aspects of the game from the ground up.

In fact, almost every Beginner Golfer I meet tells me that they yearn for a golfing resource that covers ALL aspects of golf, not just specialized areas such as 'How to improve your golf swing'.

Recent Unsolicited Testimonial

-----Original Message-----
From: Terence O'Connor [mailto:TerenceOConnor@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Golf Beginner Guide
Dear Frank:

I am 66 and in pretty good shape. Now that I have a little time and opportunity I started up playing golf casually since last year. It was frustrating, mainly because I wasn't getting proper consistent ball strikes, but the golf bug had bitten me...

Then I saw your ad for the Golf Beginner Book, and I figured it may be worth a try. To be honest, I didn't expect this much information in a single book for that price. The amount of info is almost overwhelming, but absolutely essential for a beginner like me. Besides picking up golf in the first place buying your book was the second best decision I made regarding golf.

Many, many thanks for making all this great info available and for helping a beginner golfer, Terence

Here Are Some Snippets Of What We Will Teach You In Detail: 

Golf Beginner Guide - Wedges

  • We teach you the quickest way in how to get started in Golf, i.e. like how to grip the golf club, how to stand correctly and so on?

  • We teach you the things to absolutely avoid on the Golf Course, so you don't make a fool out of yourself.

  • We teach you how the different Golf Clubs work (as example of one of our many illustrations take a look at that of a Wedge on the right - an additional detailed explanation is in the book).

  • We teach you which Golf Clubs and Golf Balls are the most suitable for you.

  • We teach you in-depth, fully illustrated golf lessons on proper golf swing, pitching, chipping, putting etc.

  • We teach you how to choose a good instructor (in case you want to work on some specific problem areas of your game).

  • We teach you how to buy golf equipment for a lot less money, so you have more cash left to play golf.
  • ...and many more lesson about Golf...

This book covers everything you need to know. Over 272 pages it will guide you from A-Z on the rules, facts, strategies and techniques on golf. 

The Golf Beginner Guide

The most comprehensive Golfing Resource created exclusively for Beginner Golfers!
Golf Beginner Guide

Golf instruction for beginners

Recent Unsolicited Testimonial

-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Kline [mailto:pkline@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2011 6:13 PM
Subject: Golf Beginner Book
A few months ago I picked up golf. Although I love it now, I can't say that I really wanted to start golfing but I needed to! I was losing too much business to competitors who were making deals on the golf course.

I found myself in a position where I had to start golfing and worse yet, I had to hit the ground running. It was okay to be bad, but I couldn't look like a newbie. I needed a crash course in golf in a bad way.

Luckily, I ran across your website and ordered your book. It was everything I could have hoped for and more. Not only did I get the practical guide to etiquette I needed but I also got a real textbook to help me learn the game. With your book and a couple of trips to the driving range I was able to pass as a real golfer from my first trip out.

Better yet, since then I have really fallen in love with the game. Even though I consider myself a "real" golfer now, I still use the book all the time. The 50 Tips Section is awesome! Whenever I have a bad day or haven't been out in a couple of weeks I run through it and just get my brain back to the golf-mentality.

Thank you!

Phillip Kline
Corona, California

"How Much Do I Invest To Get
Started In Golf The Proper Way?"

We've put in a lot of time and effort in creating this ebook, because we wanted it to be really useful to the folks who invest in it. We did not want it to be just another online golfing guide to 'fix your swing'.

We considered charging $97 for a comprehensive resource like this, which would certainly be reasonable. If you do some market research you will find that the information we share with you is easily worth that price!

However, for the next few weeks we are trying to get the word out, so for a limited time (and I do mean limited!) you can get your copy of the 'Golf Beginner Guide' for just $29.90, less than an actual golf lesson. PLUS we include bonuses worth over $200 at no extra cost (see below)!

My staff think I'm nuts, but my plan is expand our market niche. This is your benefit, $29.90 is a dumping price in comparison to the tremendous value you'll get out of this eBook and the bonuses.

Plus, there's absolutely NO RISK at all in investing in this guide. In fact:

The 'Golf Beginner Guide' is an incredible resource for the golfer. It is a real textbook on every aspect of the game of golf that has something to teach every golfer. Whether you are a senior golfer or brand new to the game, there is solid information here to take you to the next level. We're so convinced that you'll benefit greatly from our book, we'll give you a 8 weeks 100% Money Back Guarantee
  Golf Beginner Guide Money Back Guarantee
As the Publisher of the Golf Beginner Guide I guarantee this personally!

Frank J. Peter
Publisher ´Golf Beginner Guide´
 Risk free - You simply cannot lose!

To Make Your Decision Even Easier: as an Introductory Offer We Include Bonuses Worth Over $200!

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