FREE Bonus

how to play golf

Golf instruction for beginners

Here is what you will get in addition to the Golf Beginner Guide:

Golf instruction for beginners: Free Bonuses

FREE Bonus # 1 ($19.00 Value) - Mike Pedersen’s "Fit To A Tee" ebook
Mike’s ebook has been read by over 50,000 golfers from all around the world. It describes in detail how your body is affecting your swing, and how you can change it for the better. This ebook contains simple golf fitness exercises that will elevate your game to the next level.
A $19 Value, yours free with the Golf Beginner Guide.
FREE Bonus # 2 ($37.00 Value) - Short-Game Secrets That Will Change The Way You Score From Inside 50 Yards
This report by Bobby Eldrige will change the way you play your shots from inside 50 yards. If you spend 15 minutes before every round of golf on these tips you're guarantee that the strokes will fall off your scorecard!
The report will cover putting, chipping, pitching and bunker shots.
Normally sells for $37.00, yours free with the Golf Beginner Guide
FREE Bonus # 3 ($27.00 Value) - "Secrets From the Game’s Longest Hitter"
Thirty years ago Senior Golfer Mike Austin launched the longest drive in history. He used a persimmon head driver and a soft balata ball. He was 64! The record still stands!
This e-book will show you some of the secrets of how Mike Austin launched the ball 515 yards 30 years back.
Normally sells for $27.00, yours free with the Golf Beginner Guide
FREE Bonus # 4 ($29.95 Value) - "Golf Like Tiger" by Ken Black
This 70 page book has been written for beginning golfers and those who are more experienced, but want to improve their game, and shoot lower scores. It is also an excellent guide that will show you how to avoid high scores on holes (double bogeys or more) and disappointing 18 hole rounds.
Normally sells for $29.95, yours free with the Golf Beginner Guide
FREE Bonus # 5 (priceless) - "Lifetime updates to the Golf Beginner Guide"
Quite possibly the best of all the bonuses: whenever we update and improve the "Golf Beginner Guide" we let you know about it, and you can download the newest version free of charge.
Lifetime Value, yours free with the Golf Beginner Guide
Let's review again what you will get in this complete package:
The Golf Beginner Guide, 272 pages jam packed with everything you need to enjoy golf as a Beginner - arguably the best resource for the Beginner Golfer available online. Take a look at the Table of contents to see for yourself!
5 Bonuses as outlined above (valued at over $200), including lifetime updates to your copy of the Golf Beginner Guide!
Full 8 weeks Money back Guarantee, with absolutely no risk to you.
Immediate download, you can start reading less than 5 minutes after your purchase. There is no hard copy to wait for in the mail, the book is delivered immediately to your computer anywhere in the world.
100% Secure online ordering thru Clickbank. Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products (charges in your bank or credit card statement will appear as 'ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM')
You get ALL of this for an introductory offer of just $29.90
So with this huge amount of value (just the bonuses are worth more than $200.00)... Why am I giving this to you for just $29.90?
Simple... This information is delivered as a download as soon as your payment is processed. So I have no fulfilment costs and am passing these savings on to you. 
You'll get a pdf file which is readable on any computer, PC or Mac. Because the file is saved on your computer, you can read it day or night, whenever you want. It works on any computer! The download takes about 4 to 5 minutes on the slowest dial-up internet connection. Other internet connections are much faster. 

Once your payment is approved, you will be taken to a special page where you will download the Golf Beginner Guide step-by-step guide and the 5 bonuses.
You will be downloading and reading the information within just a few minutes... and be well on the way tolearn to Play Golf from the basics to advanced levels.
Take Action, And Get Started Now! Not Tomorrow, Start Today!

You are minutes away from being able to get started in golf.  Our guide is the complete resource to help you on your way.

Golf instruction for beginners

Here's what other Customers had to say:
...I am a better skilled Golfer...

-----Original Message-----
From: J. L. Gordon [mailto:golfinggordon@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 11.52 AM
Subject: Golf Beginner Guide
Man, I thought I knew golf until I read this book. I learned golf like any other hobby… you know, picking up things along the way. I thought I was pretty good.

Reading the golf beginner guide was like taking a class on golf. Not only am I a better skilled golfer, I am also a smarter golfer. I understand things about the game I never considered and in the long run, that makes me a much better golfer.

I'm happy to recommend your book to every budding golfer!

Jeremy Gordon,
Little Rock, Arkansas

...what a difference it made on my game!

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin S. [mailto:Martin1965@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 07.53 AM
Subject: Golf Beginner Guide
Dear Sir,

I have recently bought your Golf Beginner Guide (receipt number #########). [Note: deleted for customer protection]

I am usually rather reluctant to buy over the internet, but this was one purchase I am very glad I did. Your book has given me a thorough understanding of golf, especially in terms of proper set-up (address, grip) and swing. I realized all the faults I had and have worked on them - what a difference it made on my game!!

I gladly recommend your magnificent book to any new golfer and would advise that this is money very well spent.

Yours sincerely,

Martin S.,
London, UK much information in one book...

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark & Mary [mailto:MarkWhiz@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 23.40 AM
Subject: Golf Beginner Book
Well after buying our first set of clubs and all the extras & after being out only once to a "Pitch and Putt", I thought we needed some golf tips. Wow, this book is GREAT!!!

So much information in one book. Thank you so much, I'll be referring to the book often.

I've recommended it to our friends who know more than we do, but it seems helpful tips aren't only for the beginners. Can't wait to go out for a game of golf.

Thanks a lot for putting us on the right path,

Mark & Mary Whiz,
Vancouver, Canada

Recent Unsolicited Testimonial

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael H. Paul [mailto:paulmh1947@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2010 8:47 PM
Subject: Golf Beginner Guide
I have been a golfer for thirty years or so. Of course, I was so busy with work and my family and being active in my church that I maybe played 5 or 6 times a year, so I wasn't much of a golfer.

That all changed last year when I retired. Now that we've moved to Florida my friends and I play 3 or 4 times a week and I found out that I had a lot of catching up to do! When the friendly wagers started, it seemed like I always ended up being the guy paying for lunch. I couldn't be that once a month duffer anymore! I considered a senior golf class at a local collage and was even looking for a private coach when I found your book.

I have to admit that it had everything I was looking for! Not only have I improved my game but I have finally got answers to some of the questions I was just too embarrassed to ask! The day I read your book I realized that I was using the wrong clubs for some shots and that my clubs weren't right for me anyway. It has only gotten better from there. I won't pretend that I am the best golfer in my group yet but I can tell you this:

I haven't had to pay for a lunch for quite a while!

I've probably read the book five or ten times all the way through and refer to it constantly. I'm getting better and better and it is all thanks to you.

Michael Paul
Clearwater, Florida

Recent Unsolicited Testimonial

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerry Duggan [mailto:gerardduggan@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:34 PM
Subject: Golf Beginner ebook
I have been playing golf on and off for years, I always forget the basics when I come back so this has helped me with my short game no end. Thank you.

Gerry Duggan

Recent Unsolicited Testimonial

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Vazquez [mailto:rvazquez@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 12:34 PM
Subject: Golf Tips
The tips that I have read are amazing. It is like getting advise from your very own private coach!

Robert Vazquez

Golf instruction for beginners
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